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Healing Tree Consultants is a consulting service for those that wish to seek for a form of assistance outside the norm of conventional allopathic help to deal with a health issue.


We mainly utilize nature's method of assisting one's health using herbs, diet and excercise to assist in the regaining of one's health and get back on the correct path of eliminating the CAUSE of infirmities of the body and mind.

We also utilize other modalities such as Hsin Tao, Tai Chi as well as other forms of developing a well developed immune system which is the basis of good health.





This is a video of the training I took learning the art of Iron Palm which is also usable to deliver energy to specific areas of the body.

​The practitioner MUST be able to transmit pure energy from the palms in order to achieve this without damaging the hand in the process of demonstrating this art. The art of Tai Chi and Chi Kung may also be utilized in order to increase the level of chi and natural internal energy which will be developed in the process of training. It can be produced and delivered through any part of the body in this art.


Member of the Natural Healthcare Practitioners Success Association

This organization assures the efficiency of a client's assistance but also makes sure that professionalism is always adhered to by the practitioner regardless of the field of endeavor.

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